Thursday, July 26, 2012


Realistic goals are something you have to set for yourself when starting any exercise program. Although I am really excited about starting Tapout XT I realize that I have to set attainable goals so that I do not get discourage. I like to set  bench marks. These allow you to gain a source of accomplishment and build some confidence in yourself while ultimately working towards a larger goal. For me my overall goal is to loose 10lbs in 90 days, so within the first month I would like to loose 4 lbs, another 4 lbs in the second month, and 2 lbs in the last month. I know my body and I know that the first month will be easy if I stick with the plan, but the last month will be tough since by then my body will have gotten over the initial shock of the program. Setting these small goals will help keep me focused and keep me excited about the program. No matter what type of exercise program you are starting try this method and see if it helps keep you on track for a longer period of time. 

1 comment:

  1. I have goals, but they're of a much simpler kind. I want to
    1) be more fit (which means have more endurance; this is easily measurable-- how easily are you getting through a Tapout XT workout?) and
    2) lose inches so I can fit into my clothes again (and maybe eventually fit into clothes I haven't ever been able to wear before).

    I don't even care about the weight. I just want to look cut, and every little success in that direction is a win.
