Last night I was looking through the Wal-Mart sale paper when I stumbled upon an ad for Weider's X-Factor: ST. I have to say I am a sucker for DVD programs that claim to be the whole package and will get you to looking like that lean, mean, fighting machine you have always dreamed of being, so with the tag line, "the body you want in 8 weeks!" they had me hook, line, and sinker. The price really grabbed my attention as well. For $29.99 I figured why not just buy it and try it out. I waste 30 bucks on stupid stuff every month and who knows this could just be the thing I have been searching for. Off to the store I went and was really surprised when I got home and opened the boxed. The program comes with 12 DVDs, two push-up circles, a nutrition plan, a workout chart, and a food diary. The kicker is the stuff you would think would be on paper is actually on a disc. This was a new concept to me since I was looking for a book to thumb through, but the PDF versions work just as well and are more environmentally friendly. The nutrition guide is pretty well thought out, giving you not only a plan to work with, but grocery lists and recipes for you to follow as well. Next I took a look at the DVDs. You get 12 DVDs total. You have 8 DVDs with workouts for the 8 weeks with work outs specific to that week and 5 DVDs that you alternated in every other day. The extra 5 are abs, yoga, glutes and thighs, and total body. The program gives you the option of throwing in which ever one you want to do on the day you don't do the scheduled week DVD. I popped the first DVD of the set in today and really liked the work out. The entire workout was a little over 30 minutes with warm-up and cool down. It was challenging but not to the point where I wanted to throw something at the TV. Being someone with ADD the workout kept me interested and motivated. It really made me want to do it again tomorrow. Let's see if I can stick with it for the full 8wks.