Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 61, 62, 63, and 64

Weigh in time! I am down to 143 which is really good for me. I feel better, look better, and am stronger and faster than I have ever been. I have been out of karate for about 8 weeks with an injury and went back for the first time on October 1st.  My sensei was impressed by how good of shape I was in after being away from the dojo for 8 wks. I kept up with everyone in class and I actually think I am better now than I was 8 wks ago. I have been using the weighted gloves during Cardio, Muay Thai, and Sprawl and Brawl and I am with Mike on this one, you should totally try them. It brings a different intensity to the workout. I wouldn't suggest them for your first month, but try them out in month two after you have been doing the workouts for awhile and I think they will really help you see results.

Now it's time to talk about my diet. I still have not had any alcohol or fast food in 64 days , but I am not going to lie I have fallen off the wagon here and there this week eating non-whole wheat tortillas, non brown rice, and a serving of breaded chicken. I have been very strict with my diet and the better I eat the better I feel and the better results I see. Eating this type of food again made me sluggish and not prepared for my workouts.  If you only take away one thing from this blog I hope it is that eating healthy is just as important as working out. The two go hand in hand.  To quit does not exist! Stick with it and see those results you want to see!

1 comment:

  1. I like the image at the top of this blog. It's true, we have to keep reminding ourselves that health and fitness and looking good is all our responsibility, and no one else's. There are no excuses! It's totally up to us to do it or not.
