Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tri Swim Training


It's 12 days till my first open water tri. So far training has been good, but very intense. The heat here in the south is starting to kick in and my asthma is starting not to enjoy my extended outdoor workouts. The humidity and pollen in the air is making it a bit hard to breath at times. Today was a brick day and gratefully half of my brick was indoors. I jumped back into the pool today after a two week hiatus.  The gym has been closed for renovations so running has really been my go to over the past couple weeks. Swimming is a workout I always look forward to.  No head phones, no workout partner talking, just me, the water, and my breathing. I have to say after only 500 meters my arms were tired. Missing 6 swim sessions really hurt me. I'm sure after another couple swim workout I'll be back up to par. It just goes to show you that use or loose it really applies. I also got a quick 20 minute spin in. It's really important when tri training to brick your workouts so that your body gets use to the transition.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hit the Big 3-0


I hit the big 3-0 about 5 months ago and have really been hitting the training hard. I finished the 90 days of Tapout XT and and moved on to something even more challenging. I started doing triathlons and the training is intense. Swim, bike, run, and do some strength training. Some days are easier than others, but everyday I train is a good day. The running is the hardest but over the past 12 weeks it has gotten easier and easier. Problem now is that it is getting hotter and hotter and more and more humid.  My advice today to anyone who is thinking of doing something they think is impossible is just go after it. I never thought I could do a triathlon and here I am getting ready to race my second one. Nothing that is worth it, is easy.  If it is worth achieving it is going to take some time. Be ready to put the hours in!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 68 and 69 Tapout XT

Buns and Guns always a fun one with a little karate class thrown in there for good measure today. Still feeling good. The changes in my body have slowed down, but I think that is partially due to the fact that my diet was not the greatest. My karate is better and in the end to me that is all that matters. Well and the fact that my clothes fit better too, oh and that I feel 10 times better than I did before I started the program. Ok there are a few things that matter to me. Still plugging along on the Tapout train heading towards that 90 day goal!

Breakfast: Cereal day 68 and 69
Lunch: Cabo stew day 68;  glutton free pasta with meat, spinach and marinara day 69
Dinner: glutton free pasta with meat, spinach and marinara sauce day 68; grilled chicken caesar salad day 69
Snack: oranges, frozen yogurt, peanuts

image courtesy of http://www.squidoo.com/fitness-motivational-quotes

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 65, 66, and 67 Tapout XT

Another weekend full of yard work and karate. Glad I started the Tapout XT program before I decided to re-landscape my entire back yard. All those up downs and push-ups paid off when I was hauling the lumber, dirt, and plants that made my backyard what it is now. I still can't believe how much tapout has improved my quickness in karate. It's amazing how much faster my punches have gotten in 60 some what days. Today I rounded out my yard work with a little Muay Thai. This workout is my favorite.  It's quick, too the point, and I feel it throughout my entire body. I'm not going to lie working out everyday is a challenge, but if I can just get myself to push play it's all down hill from there!

Breakfast: Cereal - day 65-67
Lunch - thai chicken wrap, sweet potato fries- day 65; Taco, beans and rice - day 66; 3 pieces of pizza day 67
Dinner: club sandwich - day 65; Sushi day 66; Beef stew with brown rice -day 67
Snack: peanuts, granola bar, and chex mix

Diets been tough the past few days. Birthday weekend and friends in town. Didn't eat as light or as healthy as I would have liked too, but still didn't do too bad. Pizza wasn't a smart choice, but the next meal was healthier. Kept up with working out, but the workouts are tough with the un-healthy food in my system. Just drives the point home that you have to put good food in your body to get the results you want!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 61, 62, 63, and 64

Weigh in time! I am down to 143 which is really good for me. I feel better, look better, and am stronger and faster than I have ever been. I have been out of karate for about 8 weeks with an injury and went back for the first time on October 1st.  My sensei was impressed by how good of shape I was in after being away from the dojo for 8 wks. I kept up with everyone in class and I actually think I am better now than I was 8 wks ago. I have been using the weighted gloves during Cardio, Muay Thai, and Sprawl and Brawl and I am with Mike on this one, you should totally try them. It brings a different intensity to the workout. I wouldn't suggest them for your first month, but try them out in month two after you have been doing the workouts for awhile and I think they will really help you see results.

Now it's time to talk about my diet. I still have not had any alcohol or fast food in 64 days , but I am not going to lie I have fallen off the wagon here and there this week eating non-whole wheat tortillas, non brown rice, and a serving of breaded chicken. I have been very strict with my diet and the better I eat the better I feel and the better results I see. Eating this type of food again made me sluggish and not prepared for my workouts.  If you only take away one thing from this blog I hope it is that eating healthy is just as important as working out. The two go hand in hand.  To quit does not exist! Stick with it and see those results you want to see!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 57, 58,59, & 60 TapouT XT

Still on the Tapout XT but with the 2 days of week of yoga I have had to modify the workouts some incorporating some martial arts classes and outside work. May not be Tapout but it is still moving and with fitness keeping moving is 90% of the battle! Tomorrow is weigh- in. Cant's wait to see what I am down.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 56 TapouT XT

Muay Thai -  Love this one and looked forward to working out with it all day. It's great for taking out that aggression that builds up at the office, in morning traffic, and on the long commute home. Kick and punch your way to lower blood pressure! 4 days till weigh in and I have to say I am excited. I think I might have dropped a pound!

Breakfast: honey bunches of oats
Snack: yogurt clusters
Lunch: beef, brown rice, and beans
Dinner: clear soup and sushi